We'll find the best real estate agent for you.
Our sophisticated data and customer support team analyze our network of 140,000+ Agents from leading firms to find the top 3 local experts best suited to your needs.


Tell us what you need and we'll get to work immediately. It's fast and our recommendations are free.


The agents we match you with must meet high service standards, and our California-based service team is on your side all the way to closing.


98% of our buyers and sellers say they'd use us again.

Why ReferralExchange is the best way to pick a real estate agent

We use data, technology & personal attention to find a great match for your unique needs

We go much further than simply telling you which agents sold the most homes. We're telling you which agents have proven track records and are the right fit for you.

Our goals are aligned with yours

We get paid only when transactions are successfully completed. That means we're highly motivated to connect you to agents with a track record of success.

We're independent

Lots of people find their real estate agent based on a referral from a family member or friend. It seems like almost everyone knows someone in real estate. That sometimes works, but often doesn't. Who your cousin knows, or they used to sell their home, probably isn't who you need. We dig deeper to find you the right match.

Happy buyers & sellers

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ReferralExchange rocks. We loved our agent. She delivered value far beyond her fee, and we've been raving about her ever since. right quote -Jennifer, Georgia

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The process was very easy. We were contacted by 3 top agents in our area and we selected the agent who best fit our needs. right quote -Mark, NY

Helpful tools & resources


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